Miss Dashwood Has Returned!

One day Miss Dashwood and some friends went to a reenactment called Muster on the Maumee, where many groups of reenactors from various areas get together for one big event.  At the Muster was a shop, and in that shop were fabrics, shawls, hats, and other articles of clothing from the Regency era.  Among those fabrics was a lovely yellow fabric with a blue floral print that reminded her greatly of a gown worn by Miss Woodhouse in the most recent film adaption of Emma.  It cost more than Miss Dashwood, in her financial wisdom, usually cared to pay, but knowing it was not often that one finds a fabric they known so definitely that they want, and realizing that it had been well over a year since she had made a Regency gown for herself, she decided to buy it.

She and her friend, Miss Hayley, then began to plot to make themselves both Regency ensembles and attend a Jane Austen festival in Kentucky in July.  Whereas this plan is yet to be decided, the plan for the dress has been mostly definitely decided and the fabric is currently being washed before being cut up into pieces for a lovely Regency gown which shall look a bit like this:

Only it will probably have a gathered front bodice rather than darts.  But the overall look will be the same.

So that’s what’s been going on in my life!! I am sorry to be so absent!  I seriously haven’t done any sewing since I started college, except for finishing up a simple skirt which I should get pictures of and post.  Anyway….  I will hopefully get to work on that new dress this week, as well as some extra Regency accessories, so I will try to keep you updated! 🙂

P.S. I have also recently started a new blog called This Amazing Grace, which basically contains reflections from my spiritual journey, especially from this last year.  Feel free to visit if you like.

News :-)

Wow, it’s been, like, almost a month since I posted!!   Life has been SOOOOOO busy.  Lots of family things keeping us busy; our grandma, who has been suffering from health problems, has moved in with us; and we’ve been preparing for “Marianne’s” wedding!!!  Which is in FOUR DAYS!!!

Part of the preparation on my part has consisted of sewing 3 of the bridesmaid gowns and the sashes.  The first two dress were Margaret’s and mine, and the other I put off until….this week… because the bridesmaid lives out of state and I wanted to make sure it fit as I sewed it.  This week she is here visiting and we’re working on it together.  I’m about 1/2-way done with it and should have it finished tomorrow.

And the wedding is on Saturday. 😀

I am SO EXCITED!!  I will be sure to post pictures afterwards! 🙂

Well, that’s about all for now, but I thought I really should update, as this poor blog has been so neglected!  
So what have you all been up to lately?  Any special sewing projects?

A Couple Random Things :-)

First, I’d like to say Happy December to everyone! 

Second, I’d like to ask: are all the features (pictures, blog buttons, labels, etc.) showing up on the sidebar for you or do you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see them?  It’s looking kind of strange on my computer and I’m not sure how to fix it.

Third, I finished two of my deadline projects today (with Margaret’s help)!  YAY! (Thank you, Margaret!)

Fourth, I’d like to introduce you to a new Etsy shop!
Some friends of mine have just opened a new shop to sell a variety of handmade things, such as this lovely tote bag.

Please swing over here to visit this new shop and see their other products (and there’s more to come)!

Have a great Lord’s Day tomorrow, everyone!

Meet Fred

My new Brother 1034D 3/4 Lay-In Thread Serger arrived this week!  Isn’t he great?
I don’t usually name objects, but I had a reason for naming this one.  It all started with an amusing Facebook conversation.

Me (status): “Mommy and I ordered my Brother 1043D 3/4 Lay-In Thread Serger (in short, my serger) today!! 😀 😀 😀 YAY!!”

DS: “Confused for about 20 seconds as I thought you were saying you ordered a brother! I didn’t think it could be that easy. Anyways, congratulations on your new arrival. 🙂 “

SJ:  “I was filled with the same confusion as D.S. and about to write Frances a congrats note… then kept reading. Whoo. That was close.”

AW: ” 😀 I thought you were saying that you ordered your brother a Serger…hmmm. 😉 “

I finally said I should have ordered a Babylock instead. 😉
Anyway, all the joke about a “Brother” gave me the idea to name it.  So I named it Fred.  I have sewed a little with the thread that came with it; I haven’t tried threading it yet though.  Hopefully I’ll do that on Monday.  Anyway, I’m very happy with it. 🙂

Let’s see…. what have I gotten done since I posted last?

Well, I didn’t get to sew as much as I had meant to this week.  I did buy the sheer fabric for the sleeves on my Regency dress, and have made one of the sleeves so far– I really like it with the sheer overlay.  I cut out the bodice for Margaret’s bodiced petticoat today but didn’t get around to sewing it yet.  (I’ve been so ridiculously busy!  I really can’t afford to go places because I have so much to do at home… and yet I do go places and get little done at home. 😛 )  I finished another part of one of the Christmas orders:

These are for a little girl at church, and there will be matching ones for her doll too (haven’t made them yet).  Her mom wanted me to add ruffles at the hem, something which I was at first very wary about.  Ruffles?  I thought it would look weird.  However, once I finished them, I was very pleased with how they turned out.  The fabric was so cute too.   It’s always very encouraging when a sewing project turns out better than you expected. 😉

What else did I do?  Oh, I worked out the dress to match this one.  Um….. I believe that’s all.

Life is so busy!   Busy busy busy.  I’m looking forward to after Christmas, when things should slow down a little. 🙂

Have a wonderful Lord’s Day tomorrow, friends!

Unfinished Projects

It occurred to me last night…
that I really should finish some of my current projects before I start any new ones.  (Duh!)

I have quite a few projects already cut out, and some even half-done, but not… fully done. 🙂  These include:

And I have some alterations to do for people too (blaa… I hate altering things.  I like making things! 🙂 )

I’m not sure which project to finish first.  I guess I’ll go downstairs and look at them and decide then.  It will probably be the top or the chemise.  I’ll let you know. 😉

Apology :-P

I am sorry for our ridiculous lack of posts lately. 🙂  Last week we were REAAAAAAALLLLLY busy helping at VBS at church and other stuff during the day, and I haven’t had much time for sewing.  Several weeks ago, I made a top for “Margaret” and a new skirt for me, but we haven’t had a chance to get pictures yet.  Hopefully we will soon.  (We just need to take the time to do it. 🙂 )

Meanwhile, here’s a picture of last week’s thrift store find.  A gorgeous crinoline/petticoat that I got for $5!!

I love it and can’t wait to wear it under some of the dresses that I’m planning to make. 😉  (No, I won’t be wearing it the way I am in those pictures– I’ll be wearing it under something.  The shirt in the pictures is for modesty. 🙂 )  Anyway– I love it!  It is so PUFFY and FULL!!!  And I’m so glad I don’t have to make one now.  I think one yard of the netting would have cost the same price that I bought the whole crinoline for. 😛
While I’m at it, here are pictures of the house we visited last week.  It’s about as close as I can get to visiting an English estate without going to England. 😉  Isn’t it beautiful?  It reminded me of Pemberley and some of my friends of Sense & Sensibility. 🙂