A "Princess" Jumper for Kaylyn

Mrs. H had some fabric that had been sitting around the house, waiting to be turned into a dress for Kaylyn. But having three little ones, she doesn’t have much time to sew, so I decided, since I had my dear sewing machine with me 😉 and some patterns, I would make the dress.

However, I put it off and put it off because the pattern was very frustrating to try to understand and I was a little scared about cutting into it. Finally, two days before I left, I thought, “Okay, so I need to make this jumper; the pieces are already cut out, tomorrow’s Sunday, and I leave Monday…” However, Pastor and Mrs. H were going on a date that day and I was going to be babysitting the kids, so I didn’t know if I would be able to get it done on time. However, I took what open moments I had and this was the result:

Pattern Description: Common Sense Patterns, 420C- Preteen Basque Jumper
Pattern Sizing: Girl Size 10

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? yes, pretty much

Were the instructions easy to follow? The directions themselves were, for the most part, easy to understand, but… not entirely. As you will see below.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I think the only thing I liked about it was the end result. 😛 The pattern pieces were the worst. You’d think “Common Sense Patterns” would include the sensible and important information needed on the pattern pieces– the name of the pattern, the name of the piece, the sizes, dots and arrows, directions on how many pieces to cut, indications for where to cut on the fold, etc., etc…. These did NOT! All they said was “Back Bodice”, “Front Bodice”, etc., and the initials of the pattern. So I had to use common sense to try to figure out how much to cut of which pieces, etc. 😉 There were a couple other things about the pattern that were kind of strange…

Fabric Used: dark purple floral print cotton

Time it Took to Make It: I’m guessing about four or five hours (not including cutting it out)

Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: The biggest alteration I made was cut the skirt back into two pieces so that the zipper reached farther down. (They had it going down to just above the waistline, and I didn’t think that would be very practical.)

Would you sew it again? Now that I know how to cut everything out and what alterations to make, yes, I think I would sew it again, because I really like how it turned out in the end. 🙂 But while I’m at it, I am going to make my own markings on the pattern pieces.

Would you recommend it to others? If you are willing to sit down and figure some things out for yourself, yeah. 😀

Other: The buttons were fun to do! I covered the buttons with the same material as the dress, and I think it turned out pretty cute. 🙂

Kaylyn was very excited about the jumper and calls it her “princess jumper”. 😀 It’s a little big on her right now, but that will leave room for her to grow into it and where it for a couple years. 🙂

A Denim Bolero Jacket

Pattern Description: Simplicity 2478, View C
Pattern Sizing: Size 10

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? pretty much, yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? NO! They weren’t. 😛 I had to do a lot of guesswork. By re-reading, comparing, studying, and imagining it turned out okay though. 😛

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? It’s really cute and it’s great for covering up a sleeveless top on a warmer day.

Fabric Used: lightweight denim

Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: Nothing major, except I did not do the trim recommended.

Would you sew it again? I think I probably will; perhaps in a size smaller, as this was almost too big on me.

Would you recommend it to others? I recommend it to anyone willing to tackle some tough directions. It really turned out nice in the end. 🙂


I took our Etsy shop off of vacation mode and added two new doll outfits YESTERDAY, and one of them (the “Box Hill” dress) sold TODAY! WOOHOO!!! That was fast!! 😀 I guess I need to keep making these movie costume remakes… 😉

Today I finished a new project which I will hopefully get pictures of tomorrow. It’s a bolero jacket for myself, since I forgot to pack my store-bought one but brought the dresses I need one with on this trip…

I’m still on vacation (though Etsy shop isn’t, because Marianne is at home to take care of it 🙂 ) and have been enjoying the opportunity to spend time with friends, serve the Lord and learn more of Him in so many ways. He is so good and continues to show me how wonderful He is! Even the outfit selling on Etsy is an answer to prayer and reminds me that He knows our needs and desires and fulfills them according to His will.

It is good to know that we can rest in Him and that He will lead us in the direction we should go. I really need His guidance as I graduate from high school this year and seek to know what to do with my life. Little reminders, even small answers to prayer or a glimpse of a full, deep-colored rainbow like I saw yesterday, help me to keep Him in focus and trust His presence and care.

Forgive me for going off-topic (and yet not entirely off-topic 😉 ) but I felt like it. And “The Dashwood Sisters” blog needn’t be merely about sewing and crocheting and costuming. How have you all been lately? Anything off-topic that you’d like to share? Answered prayers? Encouraging words? 😉

A Jumper for Kaylyn

Today I finished a jumper for one of the girls in the family I am staying with this month.

Pattern Description: Simplicity 9846, View A

Pattern Sizing: Girl Size 8

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Pretty much so; except one portion regarding the placket for the skirt confused me a little bit, and I had to go by what I thought it meant and comparing it with another jumper made from that pattern.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? It’s a cute and pretty easy pattern. I liked it for the most part, except that I prefer a full-bodice lining, and this only had pieces around the neckline and armholes.

Fabric Used: strawberry-print seersucker material from JoAnn’s

Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: Instead of doing a contrast fabric trim on the front opening and the hem, I used the same fabric for the front opening and lengthened the skirt piece. I also tacked down the armhole facing and stitched the neckline facing down so it would be easier for Kaylyn to put it on.
Would you sew it again? I don’t know… maybe. 🙂

Would you recommend it to others? I would!

The New Pattern I Bought ;-)

I FINALLY bought the Elegant Lady’s Closet pattern from Sense & Sensibility!!

I’ve been wanting to get this for a long time, and was debating between getting this or the Swing dress pattern, which I also really want. But “Marianne” wants me to make her a “Marianne” dress and I like ELC drawstring bodice much better than the Simplicity version, so, ELC ruled. 😉

Here is a lovely dress from the S&S site, of one of the styles the ELC offers. This is the one “Marianne” would like me to make for her.

And this is what I want to make for me. 🙂
Have any of you bought any patterns during this sale? If so, what did you buy? Have any of you tried the Elegant Ladies’ Closet pattern, and if so, how do you like it?

The "new" Sense and Sensibility Pattern website!!!

Sense and Sensibility Patterns has revamped their website!  Now it is easier to navigate and looks ever so nice.

Sense and Sensibility, founded by Jennie Chancey, is one of my favorite pattern companies!  Mrs. Chancey has created some wonderful patterns for the Regency, Romantic, Edwardian, Titanic, and Swing eras!  Her directions are great to use and the dresses are so lovely!  Sense and Sensibility patterns also has an excellent forum where you can meet other seamstresses and get help with your projects!  I have made several from the Regency, Romantic, and Edwardian patterns, and highly recommend them to you!

You may also click the links along my sidebar to view her e-patterns!

Princess Kaiulani

Coming out in theaters this week is a new film about Princess Kaiulani, the princess of Hawaii. It looks like it will be good…not sure what the rating is yet though… :-S
Anyhoo! I believe it is set in the late 1880s, early 1890s–one of my favorite fashion eras!! The costumes are just beautiful! Take a look!

I was able to find several pictures of the real Princess Kaiulani online. Again, beautiful costumes from the era. Here are some of the pictures:

I would love to make some outfits based on some of these costumes!
Which do you like best?

Meddlesome Kitty :-)

I am leaving on a trip tomorrow and will be gone for four weeks. I might be able to bring my sewing machine (and even if I don’t, the people I am visiting have one that I can use) so I am cutting out the pieces for some projects now so I can bring them along and work on them while I’m gone. I was cutting out the pieces for a bolero jacket pattern (Simplicity 2478) and, as usual, Kitty decided she just had to be in the middle of everything, and so…. here she is! 😛

Always so meddlesome. Always having to be in the middle of everything. 😛
RIGHT where I was cutting! RIGHT THERE!!! Silly!!
When I was cutting, she thought the scissors were something to play with and was crouching to pounce on them when I moved them away.

Oh, Kitty!
After these pictures were taken, Kitty went and hid in the closet, and when I was cutting the pieces again and not suspecting it, she jumped out at me like a wildcat and tried to “kill” the paper. Silly! Silly silly silly! 🙂
I’m sorry for my lack of movie reviews! Ugh!! My bad. 🙂 I will try to post some more while I’m on my trip but there’s no guarantee.

Fashion Week for Dolls: Days 4 and 5

Yesterday I mindlessly thought I had done my post but I actually didn’t. Oops! 😛

So today I am entering two categories.

Category 3: Modern Doll Clothes

A modern, summer play dress.

Category 4: Mix and Match

I’m not very good at mixing and matching but here is what I came up with:

Doll Glasses from Maggie S.
A blouse from the American Girl Riding Outfit (discontinued 2004)
A skirt made by me
no shoes 🙂

Another mix and match is Kirsten’s school dress with her birthday apron. Not my idea; I borrowed it. 🙂
That’s all for now! Need to get to work now. Rejoice in the Lord today! 😀