Princess Kaiulani

Coming out in theaters this week is a new film about Princess Kaiulani, the princess of Hawaii. It looks like it will be good…not sure what the rating is yet though… :-S
Anyhoo! I believe it is set in the late 1880s, early 1890s–one of my favorite fashion eras!! The costumes are just beautiful! Take a look!

I was able to find several pictures of the real Princess Kaiulani online. Again, beautiful costumes from the era. Here are some of the pictures:

I would love to make some outfits based on some of these costumes!
Which do you like best?

1890s Inspiration Part 1

I know some people really do not like the styles of the 1890s, but after walking some episodes of “Lark Rise to Candleford” a couple months ago, I have been quite hooked on the decade. I am thinking about posting, now and then, some pictures of 1890s styles that I might like to copy for myself or for doll clothes.

Here is a walking outfit that I read about on the Victoria and Albert Museum website.

Sorry the pictures are blurry.(I don’t think I would have the back of the skirt to be quite so full.)

This dress is, to quote the website, “Linen, with collar and cuffs embroidered with silk cord, elastic stays attached to the inside of the skirt to control the fullness, hand and machine sewn.”

I could possibly make my Beatrix jacket look a little like the jacket on this outfit, if I do some alterations (like make the sleeves puffed 😉 ) and copy the trim. It is the same color, nearly, as the Beatrix skirt that I made (only that was twill, not linen, but hey! It’s the look I’d be going for, not an identical reproduction!)

Do you like, dislike, or not care about 1890s styles?

P.S. How do you like the new header on the blog?