Lucy’s Coronation Dress and Cape… finished! :)

I finished the doll-sized version of Lucy’s Coronation Dress and Cape! Thanks be to God for His help as I worked on this project– He gave me the strength and ability to get it done in good time, and He also helped me to not get stressed at all yesterday while I worked on it. Thank You, Lord! <3>

I drafted most of the pattern, but used Josefina’s Christmas Dress as a base for the sleeves (I didn’t alter the puff part, but I widened the sleeves to make them more bell-like).
The main part of the dress is made from crepe-back satin and the sleeves are a satiny fabric.

The main body of the dress consists of the front, the side front panel (seen in the picture below), and the back, like the original.

I didn’t know how to make the pearls throughout the fabric, but I did sew on a pearl trim to the neckline.
The back fastens with velcro, but I added the pearl trim there also to give the look of the back button pearls on Lucy’s. I had the hardest time figuring out the Velcro… how to attach it without sewing over the pearls. I broke a needle, but not any of the pearls, and eventually got it figured out. Yay! 🙂

Now for the cape. I still wasn’t able to get it shaped just like the original, but I did my best. It is basically a rectangle with a scooped area for the neckline. It’s lined with white satiny fabric.
It closes with snaps but has a gold button for looks. The original has a lion head embossed on it, but I couldn’t find any with a lion head…so I got one that I felt at least had the same “feel” to it. 🙂

It has a cord trim around the neckline and front edges…
Look at the hem on the back… isn’t it marvelous? I used sari fabric for this, and have enough left over to make another cape AND a sari! But it’ll have to wait until after I’m done with all my other Christmas orders.
Thanks to “The Wardrobe Door” for the pictures of the movie costume and construction details! I referred to it often and it was a great help.

Well, I better get to work on my Regency dress. I forgot to post about how terrible it was going and how I bought new fabric for it… that’ll come later, I guess. 🙂

Have a wonderful day! Keep your eyes on Jesus!