Country Tag! – Marianne

Here are the rules:
1. Do a quick post about the person that tagged you saying thanks
2. Answer the 10 questions
3. Follow 3 new blogs and list them.
4. Tag 6 people
5. Challenge one person to do something fun or crazy

I was tagged by Rebecca!

Here are the 10 questions:

1: Have you ever been to a rodeo? Yes – a long time ago, but I have been. 🙂

2: Have you ever tried to ride a cow? No, unfortunately, I have never really had the opportunity to try…

3: Have you ever milked a cow or goat? Yes.

4: Have you ever been to a Demolition Derby? No – sorry, I’m not interested in seeing cars get wrecked.

5: What is your favorite Country song? I don’t listen to country. :S

b: Who’s the artist? N/A

6: Do you like to hunt? I’ve never been, but I think I would enjoy it. 🙂

7: Have you ever cooked your breakfast over an open fire in your backyard? No…that sounds fun, though.

8: Have you ever thought that the muck was shallow and when you stepped in it, you sank knee deep? Let’s see…Maybe it was that way when I stepped into the edge of our swamp one time, except it wasn’t quite knee-deep.

9: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? Confronting a friend about an ungodly attitude.

10: (The question is optional) What’s one of your most embarrassing moments? The time I fell UP the choir stairs in front of a guy I liked. I couldn’t even THINK about the incident for six whole weeks, but now I look back on it and laugh. 🙂

I tag: Nobody, because mostly everyone IS tagged. 😛
I challenge: Elinor to wait thirty minutes after her American Girl package arrives to open it. 😉 (Just kidding, I wouldn’t do that to her!)
I follow: I already listed blogs on my other blog, but here’s one you could go and visit: Marie’s Musings.

Ashley Greenfield and Rebecca have tagged me! Thanks, girls! 😀

Here are the rules:

1. Do a quick post about the person that tagged you saying thanks
2. Answer the 10 questions
3. Follow 3 new blogs and list them.
4. Tag 6 people
5. Challenge one person to do something fun or crazy

1. Have you ever been to a rodeo? Y-yes… I think I went to one at WLD Ranch… Wow, that was a looooong time ago; I barely remember it.
2. Have you ever tried to ride a cow? Ha! NO!
3. Have you ever milked a cow or a goat? I think I tried to milk a goat once. Didn’t work. 🙂
4. Have you ever been to a Demolition Derby? I don’t believe so. Not interested. 🙂
5. What is your favorite country song? I don’t listen to country music necessarily! I don’t know, maybe I know a country song or two, but don’t know that it’s country… 😛
7. Have you ever cooked your breakfast over an open fire in your backyard? Not breakfast, no; but I have cooked hotdogs and marshmallows! 🙂
8. Have you ever thought that the muck was shallow and when you stepped in it, you sank knee deep? Yes 😛
9. What was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Um…. physical science, maybe? 😛 Well, leaving the last church was pretty hard.
10. What’s one of your most embarrassing moments? (optional) Well, there are some things that I wasn’t embarrassed about at the time, but am now. Things like blowing up at a friend in front of her whole family because she was laughing when I fell off my bike… :-S And other things like that. I guess I should say falling out of the hayloft in front of a bunch of people (yeah, missing my footing, falling down a pick stack of hay bales, hitting the little door there, and falling a whole story and landing on the ground at the feet of a ten-year-old boy! LOL! ) But that was actually quite hilarious! 😛

I’ll skip tagging people this time because I already tagged some people on my other blog, and I think most everyone else has been tagged… Caroline, from Standing in the Sunlight, have you been tagged yet? If not, I’ll tag you. 🙂

Here are some new blogs that I am following (didn’t start following them for this tag, though, just recently found them):

Contemplations in China
Everything Good

And…hm…I challenge…Marianne, Margaret, and Teddy to make a new flute/piano/violin arrangement for church! 🙂


1. Thank the person who gave the award.
2. Copy the award.
3. Post it on your blog.
4. Tell seven things about yourself that your readers don’t know.
5. Link seven new bloggers as recipients.
6. Notify the winners with comments on their blogs.
7. Keep being awesome!

Thank you, Elinor, for tagging me! 😉

Here are “Marianne’s” seven random things about herself. 😉 Let’s see if I can think of ones you don’t know already…

1. I love coffee – I have a morning cup, a breakfast cup, an afternoon cup, and an evening cup. (Beat that!!!)
2. Of all creepy-crawlies, the one I hate the most is the centipede, and that dates back to a long time ago.
3. If I had the choice of a continent to tour, I’d probably take South America.
4. My favorite period drama (that I’ve seen) is BBC/A&E Pride and Prejudice.
5. I like fine-point pens.
6. I am in the middle of reading Persuasion (Jane Austen) and Great Expectations (Charles Dickens), and really need to finish them both. 😛
7. I am allergic to those air conditioners that are in hotels.

Random enough?

Now I tag:

I think Elinor tagged everybody else I know on our following list. 😛 If any of the rest of you wants to do the tag, do it! And be sure to let us know that you did. 🙂

A Tag!

1. Thank the person who gave the award.
2. Copy the award.
3. Post it on your blog.
4. Tell seven things about yourself that your readers don’t know.
5. Link seven new bloggers as recipients.
6. Notify the winners with comments on their blogs.
7. Keep being awesome!

Here are “Elinor’s” seven random things about myself… I’ll try to write things you don’t know already. 🙂

1. I was introduced to Jane Austen by the A&E/1995 miniseries of Pride and Prejudice, which I am watching at this very minute. 🙂
2. Right now I am in the process of editing for the millionth (actually, I think the 7th) time a book that I began when I was seven years old, and am hoping to publish it. 🙂
3. I used to sew rag dolls– my first one was from a very basic pattern at the back of 1999 (or 2000?) American Girl calendar. 🙂
4. Daydreaming, period dramas, historical costuming, reading good novels, Italian food and pasta, flavored cream in my coffee, silver earrings, not practicing my instruments, and shopping for books and fabric is my one weakness. 😉 (-Dorcas Lane from Lark Rise to Candleford 😉 )
5. I want to write docudramas on well-known missionary women such as Ann Judson and Isobel Kuhn.
6. My favorite color combination is pink and green.
7. The two biggest things on my Christmas wishlist are 1) JoAnn’s gift cards and 2) Janet Arnold’s Patterns of Fashion I. 🙂

Thank you, Lillian from Nothing to Fear, for tagging me!

Now, in turn, I tag:

WOW! I actually managed to get all seven! Have fun, folks! 🙂


Marianne and Elinor have been tagged by Caroline at Standing in the Sunlight! This blog is mainly for sewing/crocheting/etc. but we can do a tag! 🙂

The rules are to tell seven things about ourselves.

Here are Marianne’s seven things:

1. I am a sinner saved by grace!
2. I have always loved horses, and have never lost my desire to get one – sometimes I say that whether or not a guy would let me get a horse will determine whether I say yes to him or not! 😉
3. I learned to crochet in 2002 – my mom’s friend started out teaching me right-handed in the winter; but in the spring, my mom’s mom visited us from California; she was an awesome crocheter, and she figured out how to crochet left-handed so she could show me the real way!
4. I’ve been playing the piano for 12 years and LOVE it! Even though I go through dry seasons. My favorite composers are J.S. Bach and Frederic Chopin, and I love to play congregational style for church.
5. Working in the garden is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.
6. Though my Blogger name is “Marianne Dashwood”, I am probably more like Emma Woodhouse in my actual character, and would go better with Mr. Knightley than Colonel Brandon…But I am like Marianne in my dramatic, romantic self. 🙂
7. I love chemistry and physics – it is so interesting to learn HOW God holds the world together! All nature sings His praise.

Here are Elinor’s seven things:

1. I am an unworthy sinner saved by the grace of a righteous and merciful God!
2. My love for historical costuming (historical anything!) began, I think, with American Girl and the Little House books!
3. Besides sewing, I love novel-writing!! I have been doing that longer than I have been sewing.
4. One of my unrealistic dreams is to sew costumes for a film, write a screenplay for a film, and/or act in a film! 🙂
5. Even though my blogger name is “Elinor Dashwood”, the Jane Austen character I am most like changes according to my mood or what’s going on in my life at the particular moment. I think I am actually more like Catherine Morland.
6. At this point, I don’t care if I never get married, as long as I can actively serve the Lord with my life! (“And the doctor is a stranger to my door!” 😛 )
7. I would love to work with children for God’s glory.
We tag Ashley Nicole and Gabrielle Renee, both at Bramblewood Fashion!